Annabel Alder
Registered Dietitian
feel better informed about your nutrition and health… and feel better.

I’m Annabel
Are you seeking clarity following a diagnosis of kidney disease? Have you spent hours knee deep in the internet and emerged confused? I have worked for years in NHS kidney units and would love to help.
Is it time to tackle that Type 2 Diabetes but you’ve no idea where to start? Let’s identify the changes that you can realistically make and stick to.
Has the menopause made an appearance and you want to feel confident that the future looks healthy?
Or perhaps you’re simply bored stiff after a lifetime of yoyo dieting and would like me to guide you down a more positive path.
I’m a registered dietitian with years of experience and I’d like to be your guide. I’ll offer jargon-free explanations and practical advice.
I assure you that I won’t judge or lecture and I won’t try to sell you magic potions.
If this sounds like what you’re after, do book a free chat with me below.
After having been given a diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease and a single sheet of paper advising me on diet, I was left both shell shocked and at a loss of what my diet should comprise. After a couple of months of barely eating anything, as I was worried about every morsel I ate, I started to look for a renal dietician, which turned out to be much harder than I thought. The reality is that there are so very few out there. Luckily my daughter found Annabel for me. Annabel was amazing, kind, helpful and so obviously very knowledgeable. The relief was immense, and I now enjoy a healthy but sensible diet, free of continuous worry and fear. I recommend Annabel to anyone with a renal problem, she is an excellent dietician, who cares about her work and the people she helps.

What’s the link between vitamin D and chronic kidney disease?
Did you know that, if your shadow is longer than you are tall, the sun is probably not high enough in the sky for your skin to produce vitamin D? Thankfully, those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are seeing our shadows shrink. If we choose to get outside, UVB light...